Test Python

Test Python with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

August 2024
20 minutes

This Python MCQ was carried out by an expert, Antoine Brenner, co-founder and technical director of Gymglish.com, a company specializing in foreign language training via the Internet. This test measures your knowledge of the python language.
More specifically, it highlights your degree of competence in the following areas:

  • Mastery of the basics of the Python language
  • Knowledge of the classic mistakes of beginners in Python
  • Mastery of the Python object model
  • Mastering the intricacies of list understandings and generators
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 31 questions in Python.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⚠️ Ranking results of all timemay not be relevant because the test has not been taken enough times yet.
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Test author : Antoine Brenner

Graduated in 1997 from Ecole Centrale Paris, I discovered Linux and Python in 1994. President of the computer association of VIA students, I had the pleasure of being one of the four students behind the VideoLan / VLC project . A great admirer of Free Software and passionate about Linux, I co-founded at the end of my studies my first technology company with Benjamin Levy: Alinka SA. We are developing the first commercial Linux cluster administration software in France. We left the company after having sold it to the Prologue Software group, then in 2004 we created Gymglish.com. All GymGlish technology (from the Artificial Intelligence engine to the back- and front-office) is based on free software: Linux, Python, Zope, Django ... Our software development method is based on Extreme Programming, with systematic unit tests, code reviews and team commits.
My favorite fields are Linux system administration, development (in Python) and entrepreneurship. I am also a graduate of the Master 2 in Artificial Intelligence from UPMC and a regular speaker in HEC Entrepreneurs training. Finally, here is the Gymglish website.

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Sample question

What will be the result of :

nested_list = [['_'] * 3] * 3
nested_list[1][2] = '99'
See 31 test questions.Participate in test improvement

Developers ratings

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Linus Torvalds courageux
J'ai pu approfondir de nombreuses subtilités !
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Pierre Chaumont
Test sympa, il va vraiment vous embêter sur des détails du fonctionnement de Python qu'on voit rarement ou que vous pensiez même pas que c'étais possible. Attention il est marqué 2/3 si la question n'a qu'une réponse ou plusieurs possibles, mais d'autres questions ne le précise pas.
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Excellent test permettant de mettre en avant ses compétences en python :)
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