Test Javascript

Test Javascript with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

July 2024
14 minutes

This test is about the following skills:

  • The basics of the language: declaration of variables, manipulation of arrays, calls to functions and associated contexts, etc.
  • The use of JavaScript as an object-to-prototype language to structure its code
  • Knowledge of some classic JavaScript pitfalls
  • Know how to develop JavaScript applications in browsers by making the most of the DOM
  • The culture of the ecosystem around JavaScript to be able to develop faster and more efficiently: JS overlays, the use of JavaScript outside browsers, libraries to make Single-Page Apps.
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 79 questions in Javascript.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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2605 points

Test author : Bruno Michel

This JavaScript test was designed by an expert, Bruno Michel, currently technical director at AF83.
With over 8 years of development experience, Bruno passionately pushes the boundaries of technology. Technical Director of AF83 by day, Bruno is also a tireless advocate for the development of Open Source communities by night. He is the main developer of LinuxFr.org , the French reference site on Free Software, he also organized the first ParisJS meetup and speaks as a speaker at many events.
Here is his Github

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Sample question

Which of the following equality(s) are true?

See 79 test questions.Participate in test improvement

Developers ratings

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Test inutile, qui ne teste que des connaissances très ésotériques, qu'aucun développeur n'a besoin de connaître. Les questions ont dix ans d'ancienneté. Je me méfierai énormément d'un codeur qui réussit un test aussi fantaisiste
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Anna Rossova
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