Question du test Java

Le Garbage Collector G1(ou Garbage First) est un GC qui organise la heap d'une manière


Le Garbage Collector G1 (ou Garbage First) est un GC qui organise la heap de manière

Auteur: LoïcStatut : PubliéeQuestion passée 319 fois
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developer avatar
If you read this: it clearly says generational: "The Garbage First Garbage Collector (G1 GC) is the low-pause, server-style generational garbage collector for Java HotSpot VM. " so I do not agree with my grade. And what the bip means hemispherical region in memory (do we have 3D memory) cmon :)
developer avatar
It is indeed generational, but it is also hemispheric as each region has the same size and when a collection of a region is done, the remaining objects of the region are copied to a new region and the source region is emptied. Hemispherical heap region is a GC term used also for the survivors of serial GC and parallel GC so it's in thing in GC world.
developer avatar
Still you have to admit it is generational. and I insist that hemispherical in memory management has no sens. As hemispherical means half of a sphere. Which suppose we would have only two generations or memory regions would kinda be logical. But we have four according to Oracle: eden, young generation, old and humongous. More to my argument is that I do not find it in Oracle doc pages. Check this too: