Question from the English : Email reading test

Which number indicates an improvement in the team's efficiency according to the sprint performance metrics?


Email :

From: Jean Dupont <[email protected]>
To: IT Team <[email protected]>
Subject: Sprint Performance Metrics Review

Hi Team,

I wanted to share the performance metrics from our last sprint to help us identify areas for improvement:

1. Sprint velocity increased by 20%, with the team completing 60 story points compared to 50 in the previous sprint.
2. The sprint burndown chart shows that we were on track until the last two days, where there was a sudden increase in remaining work.
3. We had 5 spillover tasks that were moved to the next sprint, indicating a 10% increase in unfinished work.
4. The average cycle time for user stories improved by 15%, now averaging 3 days per story.
5. Our defect rate increased by 5%, with 10 bugs reported during the sprint compared to 8 in the previous sprint.

These metrics give us a good overview of our progress and the challenges we faced. Let's discuss these details in our next sprint retrospective and come up with strategies to address the areas that need improvement.


Which number indicates an improvement in the team's efficiency according to the sprint performance metrics?

Author: Damien CavaillĂšsStatus: Archived(New question!)Question passed 43 times
Community Evaluations
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Florian Daniel
Pour moi, "quel chiffre" indique une réponse unique.
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Auteur anonyme
Je suis d'accord, il faudrait reformuler la questions si il y'a plusieurs réponses.
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Dragon parfait
Oui ! Vous voulez proposer une modification pour avoir les points de contribution ?
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Florian Daniel
Ma foi, quelque chose comme : "Quel(s) indicateur(s) indique[nt] [...]" Ou alors, ajouter en fin de consigne : " (plusieurs rĂ©ponses possibles)". => ça vaudrait pour plusieurs questions similaires : - le pluriel ou la mention en fin de question s'il y a potentiellement plus de 1 rĂ©ponse attendue - et plutĂŽt "indicateur" ou "mĂ©trique" que "chiffre" (car c'est plus complexe que des entiers de 0 Ă  9). Sinon, pour le type que choix, s'il n'y a qu'une seule rĂ©ponse attendue (ie. qu'il faut faire un choix parmi des propositions +ou- valides), ça pourrait ĂȘtre un choix radio plutĂŽt que cases Ă  cocher.