Question from the Object-oriented programming - Fundamentals test

In this code, the class B extends the class A. The class B overrides the method talk() from the class A. The object b is an instance of the class B. The object a is an instance of the class A. The object a is assigned to the object b. The object a calls the method talk(). The method talk() from the class B is called.


What does the following code :

public class A {
    public void talk() {
        echo "Hello my name is A"

public class B extends A {
    public void talk() {
        echo "Hello my name is B"

B b = new B();
A a = b;;

Author: SamuelStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 511 times
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Georget CAMY
En c++, cette question est problématique : Si la méthode talk() de la classe A est virtuelle alors effectivement, la sortie est bien "Hello my name is B". Cependant, si la méthode talk() n'est pas virtuelle, alors la sortie est "Hello my name is A".
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Auteur anonyme
"B b = new B():" the end of the line is not ":", it must end with ";". Answer is wrong, The output is B.