Question from the jQuery test

Given a template for an application, write a description of the template.


Considering the following code used to define a template for an application, what can we say about this code?

<script id="bookTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl">
     <img src="BookPictures/${picture}"alt=""/>
      price: ${formatPrice(price)}
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Create an array of books
    var books=[
       { title: 'ASP.NET 4 Unleashed', price: 37.79, picture: 'AspNet4Unleashed.jpg' },
       { title: 'ASP.NET MVC Unleashed', price: 44.99, picture: 'AspNetMvcUnleashed.jpg' },
       { title: 'ASP.NET KickStart', price: 4.0, picture: 'AspNetkickStart.jpg' },
       { title: 'ASP.NET MVC Unleashed iPhone', price: 44.99, picture: 'AspNetMvcUnleashedIPhone.jpg' }
  // Display the books using the template
    function formatPrice(price){
        return '$'+ price.toFixed(2);
Author: InconnuStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 253 times
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